We are working towards educating the community about environment, gender equality and health.
Active Programs

Center for Learning Assistance
Communities migrate frequently due to their livelihood concerns and this results in major deviations in education of their children and to support their family from an early age. Children go to work to earn money and that results in lack of education or no education at all. To facilitate those children who have been sidelined from their education, we are empowering them with education.
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Gender equitable boys
Violence against women remains a major global public health and women’s health threat during emergencies. Gender equality and norms on the acceptability of violence against women are a root cause of violence against women. This requires a firm understanding and grooming of future men who are boys today. They need to be effectively engaged to bring about the desired gender equity. And, we are educating the boys to develop these understandings …
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REEL Cotton: Responsible Environment EnhanceLivelihoods Cotton
Cotton Connect and FLOCERT have developed a code of conduct that is internationally recognised and verified by FLOCERT www.flocert.net. The REEL code verifies that farmers in the REEL cotton programme are using sustainable practices, with added elements that ensure traceability and decent work. The REEL Cotton code of conduct is a private code of sustainable agricultural practices with a portion of to cover traceability and decent working conditions and is internationally recognised as a model sustainability program code by the brands and retailers.
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Intervention villages
“Remember there is no such thing as a small act of Kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”
-Scott Adams

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust 26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC, Hanumanpura Road, Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.