Hariraj Charitable Trust – HCT was established in 1993 with the idea and vision to improve health and education services of Amreli district. Since last 27 years HCT has expanded their vision and have undertaken various programs and activities regarding General Health Awareness, Education, child Care, Self-employment, Micro-finance, Skill development training centres and Natural Resource Management.
To create the community awake about the upcoming generation, education, environment and health
To work for education and health care among society with environment preservation, upcoming generations and agriculture development

The Story
Collective efforts were made by Nayanbhai Gandhi, Pushpaben Patel, Sureshbhai Gohil and by Dhirajlal Vagadia to work according to the needs and purposes of the Amreli district. From the time of inception, they have known that education is important for all, and their is an emerging need to design and develop and alternate education system. With this aim that no one will be left behind without getting their primary education, Hariraj Charitable Trust has started its first intervention into primary education and health programs. Under the mentorship of Dhirubhai and his endless motive to serve rural society by all means HCT found its way forward for the journey by contributing and educating the rural people for their Education, Health, Rights, Livelihood and also for Natural Resource Management.

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.