Ajay Parmar
Centre for Learning Assistance
“A child without education is like a bird without wings” — Tibetan Proverb The migrant communities in India, move places in search of employment options, due to which their children often get disconnected towards the education they are supposed to receive. If the employment tenure is longer the children are enrolled in local schools and are able to study, however frequent location changes bring a pause in their education journey. Although migration aims towards family nourishment and well-being, it brings alone some detrimental and irreversible effects. Costal belt of Amreli district is facing the crisis and so many inward and outward take place in livelihood purposes. Having the schools is the primary need but having the schools and getting education is totally different thing. Ajay is one of the children of migrant worker families earning their livelihood in Jafrabad industrial and agricultural areas. Ajay is otherwise a very enthusiastic child, loves to study and play with friends. He is very good in extracurricular activities also but due to frequent movement, Ajay started experiencing a disconnect of his studies and their parents were also forcing him to join for their livelihood and made pressure on him to earn. With this situation he started the work and society made one more child labour. This led to a rise of disappointing feeling in him. During this time, Chakuben, one of our volunteers, assisted Ajay in enrolling in the CLA program. Gradually Ajay started to take classes and he was gaining back his zeal and was getting more curious about his education. Ajay also enrolled into the school but he used to skip class majorly. Ajay joined the CLA and this helped him from channelize his enthusiasm towards learning and knowledge grasping. He started to attend CLA class regularly as he is receiving education and emotional needs and strengths from the class. He actively participated in student activities, enjoying the CLA classes, made new friends, shared his knowledge with them, asked his doubts to Chakuben and positive growth was very much visible in him. Today Ajay is studying wholeheartedly, playing with his friends, and getting education, and blossoming into a wonderful future citizen of our country. “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” — Confucius

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.