Bhautik Makwana
Gender Equitable Boys
Hello my name is Bhautik Bharatbhai Makwana, I stay in Ingorala village with my parents. I am very curious to learn new things, especially GK. Whenever I am not doing anything I pick up the phone and explore various GK related topics. I am excited to talk about a wonderful change program in our village. Hardikbhai Bhevaliya from Hariraj Charitable Trust visited our village. Along with many of my friends Hardikbhai shared with us information about – Gender Equitable Boys Program. This program has learning and fun activities, this was something new, so I and my friends regularly participated. Everyday after school, we took out 2 hours, the time flew by and we learnt and enjoyed learning with so much fun. This program is like a friend who shows us the right direction. There are 15 modules and lasted for around 4 months. It talks about what is gender? Violence against girls and women in society, understanding the root cause. One of the major root causes are boys, they’re not being talked about gender. Due to lack of gender education, violence against women is still present in society, there is a gender based inequality. We were educated about the root cause, sexuality, relationships, human rights and many similar things. Undergoing this program has brought a very nice change to me and my friends. Earlier I never helped my mother. I used to get angry over them, never taught them anything. I used to deny any help to my mother, but now I have turned towards helping my mother and my siblings. My friends and family have started noticing this and are very happy and appreciative to this change within me. My friends are also following this. We often discuss supporting and respecting women in our family and around us. This way Gender Equitable Boys Program – Foundation course was organised and has impacted our village, especially boys including me and my friends. If I successfully graduate from this program I am confident I will be taking it further by practicing it and inspiring my friends to respect and understand value of women in society. I am curious to participate in the next program – Action for Equality. I am thankful to Hardikbhai and HCT for taking this initiative for our village and bringing the wonderful changes within us.

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.