Dhiraj Vagadia
Dhiraj has contributed his 37 years in various institutions and has worked for Gujarat State Government, as he has specialized in BSW and Diploma in business management His immense work experience in social sectors and government departments is an asset for the HCT. He had joined HCT as a trustee in 1993 where he continued his work as a part-time volunteer.
Since 2017 he is contributing all the time as a full-time director of voluntary organisations “Hariraj Charitable Trust” and also of “Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra”, and ever since he is actively working on creating and spearheading. His motive to reform the education system had led him to found an alternative and have established the program named ‘Centre for Learning Assistance”.
As he has the expertise to identify the right person, he has created a very holistic culture into the organisation by making development into each and every person and every aspect. His skills play a vital role in finding the right supporters and ensuring the success of the programs.

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.