Shraddha Kathiriya
Oasis Movement Workshop
Namste, My name is Shraddha Kathiriya, and I have been actively connected with SSKK for the last two years. Recently, Dhiraj sir shared about an opportunity to participate in Oasis workshop, where 36 days of involvement was needed, spread across a span of 3 years commitment. Initially I was hesitant a bit, however I took the plunge to participate and welcome the experience it will bring within me. All good things take time 🙂 and we know Rome was not built in a day. It’s been a while since the Oasis workshop was conducted. However with time passing by I have been observing and experiencing the changes. This workshop has brought a beautiful transformation and transitions in my life, I have minutely been observing them and here I am sharing my excerpts of this beautiful journey I undertook. Workshop begun from 8th January to 10th January at Chanod. This being my first ever participation in Oasis movement workshop, I was very much excited about the forest – like natural surroundings and ambiance. Some aspects like workshop culture, facilitator, peaceful environment, very well co-ordinated and disciplined arrangements were amazing. Around 43 participants from different NGOs had participated. We were divided into two groups. The objective of this workshop was to develop and bring positive transformation in the lives of the participants. We were supposed to gather and discuss in groups on various subjects like our thoughts, our varying life experiences, our challenges, the importance of other people in our life and most importantly how we trust own self. Trusting ourselves is the topic I really enjoyed. Also learnt about cultivating some good and getting rid of bad habits as on individuals. How my life changed after this workshop
- First and foremost I started to understand myself from within. Earlier I used to think I am not beautiful, but during this workshop I understood and questioned myself – why am I thinking so negatively about myself? Beauty lies within the heart and in the actions of the person. It doesn’t have to do anything with physical appearance. I realised I have so many good qualities and skills, which others want to learn from me.
- Instead focusing on what other say, I should strive towards my personal growth and the well-being of my family.
- I learnt to create and follow a time table right from the start of the entire day.
- Learnt to take care of my health, earlier I used to get seated after my meals, but now I have started taking care of my health. I have started to take a small stroll post meals. Like they say health is wealth, slowly I have started practicing it now.
- Healthy and clean eating, instead of junk food, fast food – which would fulfil my taste buds, but it would not provide me with the right nutrition for well functioning of my body and my health.
- I really experienced and learnt to live every moment of life.
- We can’t even predict the next moment so live life fully in the current moment.
- How can we be helpful to others is something this workshop answered.
- There is no age limitation to learn something new, one should strive towards learning everyday.
- One major change I brought within is even if the other person has in some way or other done anything wrong to us or harmed us, we should be happy and smiling towards them. This helps us to empower ourselves to face any odds of life.

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.