Shraddha Kathiriya
Oasis Movement Workshop
Namste, My name is Shraddha Kathiriya, and I have been actively connected with SSKK for the last two years. Recently, Dhiraj sir shared about an opportunity to participate in Oasis workshop, where 36 days of involvement was needed, spread across a span of 3 years commitment. Initially I was hesitant a bit, however I took the plunge to participate and welcome the experience it will bring within me. All good things take time 🙂 and we know Rome was not built in a day. It’s been a while since the Oasis workshop was conducted. However with time passing by I have been observing and experiencing the changes. This workshop has brought a beautiful transformation and transitions in my life, I have minutely been observing them and here I am sharing my excerpts of this beautiful journey I undertook.
Ajay Parmar
Oasis Movement Workshop
Ajay is one of the children of migrant worker families earning their livelihood in Jafrabad industrial and agricultural areas. Ajay is otherwise a very enthusiastic child, loves to study and play with friends. He is very good in extracurricular activities also but due to frequent movement, Ajay started experiencing a disconnect of his studies and their parents were also forcing him to join for their livelihood and made pressure on him to earn. With this situation he started the work and society made one more child labour. This led to a rise of disappointing feeling in him. During this time, Chakuben, one of our volunteers, assisted Ajay in enrolling in the CLA program. Gradually Ajay started to take classes and he was gaining back his zeal and was getting more curious about his education. Ajay also enrolled into the school but he used to skip class majorly. Ajay joined the CLA and this helped him from channelize his enthusiasm towards learning and knowledge grasping. He started to attend CLA class regularly as he is receiving education and emotional needs and strengths from the class. He actively participated in student activities, enjoying the CLA classes, made new friends, shared his knowledge with them, asked his doubts to Chakuben and positive growth was very much visible in him.

Bhautik Makwana
Gender Equitable Boys
Hello my name is Bhautik Bharatbhai Makwana, I stay in Ingorala village with my parents. I am very curious to learn new things, especially GK. Whenever I am not doing anything I pick up the phone and explore various GK related topics. I am excited to talk about a wonderful change program in our village. Hardikbhai Bhevaliya from Hariraj Charitable Trust visited our village. Along with many of my friends Hardikbhai shared with us information about – Gender Equitable Boys Program. This program has learning and fun activities, this was something new, so I and my friends regularly participated. Everyday after school, we took out 2 hours, the time flew by and we learnt and enjoyed learning with so much fun.

Address: Hariraj Charitable Trust26 – Omnagar (3), Behind GIDC,Hanumanpura Road,Amreli – 365601 (Gujarat) India.